Smart Solutions. Convenient Service.


Call now to speak with an attorney:  (443) 396-3116


cohabitation /

roommate agreements

Enforcement and Modification of Existing Agreements

Do you have an existing Parenting Agreement, Settlement Agreement, Child Access/Visitation Agreement, Child Support Agreement, Child Support Order, Custody Order, or similar? 

Call us if you need help enforcing or modifying an existing agreement or court order: 443-396-3116.

Peace and Protective Orders ("Restraining Orders")

If you believe you are the victim of domestic violence or other unlawful activity and need protection, contact our office for assistance.  Call 9-1-1 or the police if you believe you are in immediate danger!

Has a Peace or Protective Order Been Filed Against You?

We provide defense for individuals against whom an order of protection has been sought.  Call 443-396-3116 for assistance.


Navigating the legal system in domestic / family law matters can be extremely difficult.  Don't go it alone!  Our attorneys will explain and guide you through the process, making sure you understand your rights, options, and potential areas of risk to help you better protect yourself from the very beginning.  Consulting with an attorney can help you plan, organize, and avoid making costly mistakes!

Prenuptial (Pre-Marital) Agreements

Contemplating marriage?  We'll negotiate and draft an agreement to define and help protect your property and financial rights in the event of separation or divorce.

Separation and Divorce (Contested and Uncontested)

Ending a marriage can be one of the most emotionally and financially stressful and challenging life events you may ever experience. 

We're here to help!  As counsel, we'll make sure you understand your rights and options with regard to children, pets, property, debts, retirement, financial support and more so you're better prepared to make decisions that are right for you and your family.  When appropriate, we negotiate and draft comprehensive settlement agreements to minimize the need for stressful and costly litigation, and we'll zealously advocate for you in the courtroom when needed.

Alimony / Spousal Support

Should you need temporary or longer-term support, contact us    immediately to understand and preserve your rights.

Even if you believe your case is uncontested, contact us
to make sure you understand your rights and options!

  • We provide representation for contested AND uncontested divorce, child custody, visitation, and child support matters.  Don't go it alone!  We may be able to save you valuable time and money by helping you avoid mistakes and working out formal agreements when possible.

QDROs (Qualified Domestic Relations Orders)
We prepare QDROs for 401k Defined Contribution Plans.

Child Custody and Child Access ("Visitation")

We'll help you protect what you love most.  Who knows you and your children better - you, or a judge you just met?  Operating under the assumption that parents know best, when appropriate, we make every effort to negotiate and draft custody and visitation agreements between parents to minimize the need for stressful and costly litigation, and to help you retain decision-making authority over what you believe is best for your children and your family.

In the event parents are unable to reach agreement, we will ensure you fully understand the litigation process as it pertains to children and families, will help you protect and fight for your rights as a parent, and will zealously advocate for what you feel is in your children's best interest.

Child Support
We can assist with establishing, modifying or terminating child support, whether in connection with divorce or as a standalone issue.

If you need help establishing paternity, call us for assistance: 443-396-3116

Are you contemplating living with a significant other? 

Do you have, or are you considering having, a roommate?  We can help protect you by drafting an agreement that clearly defines each party's property rights, financial obligations, notice requirements, and a general code of conduct as applicable.